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mudjacking Ogden

The Pros and Cons of Mudjacking a Settled Concrete Slab

Is mudjacking the right fix for the cracked or sunken concrete at your Ogden home? Can the repair method really restore the stability and appearance of a damaged driveway, pool deck, porch, garage or any other settled outdoor slab?

Most people in northern Utah are pleasantly surprised to learn that mudjacking is a highly effective concrete repair technique. And for the vast majority of homeowners in the Ogden area, it’s the best option.

How Mudjacking Works

Concrete slabs sink and crack as a result of changes in the earth underneath. Over time, soil can expand, contract, shift and wash away, creating air pockets that compromise the integrity of the concrete and make a slab unstable.

Mudjacking works to stabilize the soil and return a settled slab to its original level position. After drilling a few small holes, a professional contractor is able to fill the pockets of air with a cement slurry mixture. The moment that’s done, pressure raises the concrete into the proper place. Once the cracks and drilled holes have been sealed, the slab is ready for use.

Advantages of Mudjacking

Looking at the pros of mudjacking, it’s easy to see why Ogden homeowners go with this method of concrete repair. Mudjacking is:

  • Affordable – Tearing out and replacing a settled slab typically costs two to three times as much as hiring a professional for mudjacking.
  • Effective – Soil instabilities are eliminated through the mudjacking process, but that isn’t the case with concrete tear-out and replacement.
  • Efficient – Unlike the process of slab replacement, mudjacking is fast, and getting concrete mudjacked does no damage to the landscape.

Are There Downsides to Mudjacking?

So, we’ve explained that mudjacking is both cheaper and more effective than slab replacement. We mentioned, too, that the concrete repair technique offers quick results without disturbing the landscape. There has to be a catch, right?

Well, it’s true that mudjacking has limits – the method isn’t viable for a slab that is badly cracked, crumbled or deteriorated. And while evidence of the repair work isn’t easily visible after the surface has been sealed, the concrete isn’t going to look as pristine as a newly poured slab.

Other than that, there really aren’t any other cons to mudjacking. And for most homeowners in Ogden and the surrounding northern Utah area, the fact that you can see that the repair has been completed isn’t a problem – it’s a fair trade-off for having a secure, stable concrete slab and not having to pay a high price for the work.

Are you curious to know if mudjacking can restore your settled concrete slab? At Lift-Up Concrete, our professional team offers free, no-obligation consultations and estimates to homeowners and businesses in Ogden, Salt Lake City and throughout northern Utah. To meet with one of our mudjacking experts, contact us today!

concrete lifting

How Concrete Lifting Contractors Find Soil Sunken Slab Voids

To effectively raise and stabilize a sunken slab, concrete lifting contractors address the cause of the problem – voids or empty pockets of air in the soil underneath.

In and around Salt Lake City, voids often arise as a result of concrete heaving, or the upward movement of a slab. This often occurs with our clay-heavy soil, as it swells and shrinks when moisture levels fluctuate. The repeated freeze-and-thaw cycles we see in northern Utah is a contributing factor, too, and for many property owners, issues like tree root growth, improper land grading and poor water drainage lead to the develop of soil voids.

Other outside influences, such as insufficient soil compaction or another mistake during the installation of a concrete slab, can also set the stage for voids to form. Whatever the cause, filling these air pockets under a slab is the key to restoring it to a level position – but first, the gaps need to be found. Here, we explain how professional concrete lifting contractors accomplish that task.

Soil Void Detection with Ground Penetrating Radar

When you see that a slab is sinking, you know there’s a gap in the soil underneath. But, the precise location and size of the void can’t be determined with a quick glance – and guessing isn’t going to raise a sunken slab back to an even and stable position.

To figure out exactly where the soil voids are located and how far they extend, concrete lifting contractors rely on ground penetrating radar. GPR technology involves the use of high-frequency radio waves, which are sent down into the ground. When the equipment detects an anomaly in the soil, a signal goes to the receiver. The process is fast, and scanning for soil voids doesn’t do any damage to the concrete.

Interpreting GPR Data for the Purpose of Concrete Lifting

Every anomaly detected by ground penetrating radar isn’t necessarily a soil void. The GPR transmitter also reflects a signal toward the surface when it encounters an underground pipe, large boulder, tension cables or any other subsurface object.

So, how do concrete lifting contractors know if a signal indicates a pocket of air in the soil or something else? The answer has to do with the way GPR technology works. When radio waves travel through different types of matter, the amount of time it takes for the signal to reach the receiver is different. Soil voids can be distinguished from rock and from objects made of PVC, metal and other materials through their unique GPR signature.

That said, GPR data isn’t all that straightforward – the information is presented in the form of a wavy line map, not images of what’s actually underneath the sunken slab. However, concrete lifting professionals are highly trained in the art of ground penetrating radar and can easily make sense of the results.

Concrete Lifting is a Long-Term Solution for a Sunken Slab

As we mentioned, filling voids in the soil is of the utmost importance when it comes to raising and stabilizing a sunken slab. But what about simply replacing the concrete? Isn’t that an alternative for Salt Lake City property owners to consider?

While a slab that’s sinking could be removed and replaced, going that route means leaving the gaps in place – and that means the newly poured concrete is almost certainly going sink at some point. With the high cost of tearing out and replacing a slab, you’d hope that wouldn’t happen, but since the concrete tear-out and replacement process doesn’t involve filling the soil voids, the slab sinking in the future is practically a given.

In contrast, the results of concrete lifting typically last for about a decade. And not only is concrete lifting a long-term fix for a sunken slab, it’s also the cheapest repair option. However, when air pockets in the soil are the result of burrowing animals, drainage issues or tree root growth, these problems must also be resolved to make the development of additional voids and further sinking unlikely.

Schedule a Free Concrete Lifting Consultation Today

If you have a sunken slab at your Salt Lake City home or business property, the professional team at Lift-Up Concrete can provide you with a fast, expert fix for an affordable price.

We offer complimentary, no-obligation consultations and transparent estimates for concrete lifting. We always level with our customers, and we’re happy to answer questions about the work we do. With Lift-Up Concrete, you can expect exceptional service, no matter the size or scope of your repair project.

For more on what makes our company the right choice for concrete lifting in Salt Lake City, or to schedule a free consultation at your northern Utah home or business, contact us today.

mudjacking Ogden

Can Mudjacking Really Restore Your Sunken Patio?

If you’re like many Ogden homeowners, you might not be all that familiar with mudjacking or concrete lifting – and it very well may be that first learned about the method of concrete repair when researching ways to fix your sunken patio.

In that case, you may have doubts about whether mudjacking actually works. The short answer is yes, and it’s the preferred repair solution for most damaged slabs. Read on, and you’ll see why professionals typically recommend mudjacking over slab replacement.

The Many Benefits of Mudjacking

Replacing the slab is an option for your sunken patio, and that may be necessary if the damage is severe. In most cases, however, mudjacking is a smarter approach for several reasons:

  • Price ­– Concrete lifting costs much less then slab replacement.
  • Time – Restoring a patio with mudjacking takes just an hour or two.
  • Usage – The slab doesn’t need to be cured, so it’s usable right away.
  • Results ­– With concrete lifting, the repair work is virtually invisible.

Also, slab replacement doesn’t solve the real problem. Soil voids are usually to blame for a sunken or settled patio – and pouring new concrete won’t eliminate the empty pockets of air in the soil. Go that route, and the slab will likely settle again in the future.

Why is Mudjacking Such an Inexpensive Method of Concrete Repair?

We’ve all heard the saying, “you get what you pay for” – and that alone may make you hesitant to consider concrete lifting. If mudjacking is so cheap, how could it possibly be the best repair option?

The simplicity of the repair is the reason. With slab replacement, the original patio needs to be torn out and hauled away. And after the form is built and new concrete is poured, the slab isn’t ready for use – curing can take a few weeks.

With concrete lifting, the process is quite a bit simpler. After drilling a few small holes in the slab, mudjacking contractors use a hydraulic pump to inject a cement slurry mixture into the soil underneath. Once the voids are filled, pressure lifts and restores the slab, and any cracks and holes can be easily sealed. Since the repair work is much less labor-intensive with mudjacking, the lower cost makes perfect sense.

Contact Lift-Up Concrete for a Free Consultation Today

Concrete lifting is an effective and affordable fix for most sunken patios, but as any professional contractor will tell you, slab replacement is often a must for severely crumbled, crushed or cracked concrete.

However, you can get an expert opinion on concrete repair at no cost – just give the Lift-Up Concrete team a call. We offer free, no-obligation mudjacking consultations to Ogden homeowners, and we’d be happy to come out to discuss your project. For more information on mudjacking and to find out if it’s the right fix for your sunken patio, contact us today!

concrete lifting Utah

Why Hire a Professional for Concrete Lifting in Utah?

So, you have a cracked or settled slab at your Ogden home or business property. The process of concrete lifting seems simple enough to you, and given the many videos and tutorials available online, you’re pretty sure you can figure out how to get the job done yourself. Right?

Well, you wouldn’t be the first northern Utah homeowner to take the do-it-yourself approach to concrete repair. But, we’re willing to bet that you’ll be among the many who wish they had left the project to a professional instead.

Concrete lifting isn’t as easy as it looks – and the majority of people who attempt to handle the work themselves don’t end up all that pleased with the results. If you think you’ll be the exception to the rule, consider the following.

Do You Have the Right Equipment for Concrete Lifting?

You might have a well-stocked tool shed, but the likelihood of you possessing all of the equipment and supplies required to lift and stabilize a settled slab is quite low.

Concrete lifting contractors use specialized tools, including a high-powered concrete drill and a hydraulic pump, in the course of their work. Professionals also have access to a premium cement-based slurry that makes for an exceptional stabilizing material, one that effectively restores a slab’s structural integrity.

Getting this equipment could cost more than paying a professional contractor to handle the concrete repair, and if you do the job correctly, you may never need to use any of it again. Conversely, if you attempt concrete lifting without the right tools, you could end up causing more damage to the slab – and you might even create a weak point in the slab structure, one that can’t be remedied with a simple repair.

Do You Understand How to Eliminate Soil Voids?

You could own all of the equipment listed above — or you might be able to borrow what you’re missing from a friend — but you probably don’t have concrete lifting expertise.

Soil voids, or empty spaces under a slab, aren’t visible. To find the areas that need to be filled, professional concrete lifting contractors rely on ground penetrating radar (GPR). Entry-level GPR systems can cost thousands of dollars, so unless you’re lucky enough to know someone who owns a radar system, you won’t have this type of device.

Without a GPR survey of the repair area, you’ll have to guess where to drill the holes required for concrete lifting. You’ll be guessing how many holes to drill, too, and being that you’re not all that familiar with this type of repair project, you won’t really know how much grout is needed to lift and stabilize your cracked or settled slab. Make the wrong decisions, and your work could create additional damage.

Do You Want Evidence of the Repair to Be Noticeable?

You might be confident in your ability to drill holes in the right places and you might be able to pump the cement slurry into the soil voids, but your lack of experience will show.

One of the greatest advantages of hiring a professional concrete lifting contractor is the quality of their work. When your project is complete, the slab will be back in its original position, and any evidence of the previous damage won’t be easy to spot. Plus, given their expertise, you can rest easy in knowing that the results will stand the test of time.

Without training, knowledge, skill and experience in concrete lifting, achieving all of this is next to impossible. Take the DIY approach, and you can expect rather rough-looking results – anyone who visits your Ogden home or business will know you didn’t have a professional complete the work. And while this may not be a concern for you at the moment, it could become a problem if you decide to sell the property.

Talk to a Professional Concrete Lifting Contractor Today

Have we convinced you to leave concrete repair to the professionals? In any case, it certainly wouldn’t be a bad idea to get an expert assessment and project estimate from a reputable local concrete lifting contractor.

Many people think that fixing a cracked or settled slab themselves would be cheaper than having a professional handle the task, but the opposite is often true. And when you consider the time investment, the DIY route really doesn’t add up – the work could take you several hours or even all weekend depending on the scope of your project, but if you hire a professional, your slab will be lifted and stabilized in far less time.

For fast, affordable and effective concrete lifting, Lift-Up Concrete is the company to trust. We have extensive experience in residential and commercial concrete repair, and our professional team can provide you with high-quality, long-lasting results. To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation and estimate for concrete lifting at your Ogden home or business property, contact us today.

concrete leveling Salt Lake City

How Long Does Concrete Leveling Take?

Concrete leveling, or mudjacking, is the most effective fix for cracked, settled and sunken slabs. The repair method is also the most affordable option – and when completed by an experienced Salt Lake City concrete repair contractor, the results last for a decade or longer.

So, how long does mudjacking take? Is the concrete leveling process time-consuming?

Actually, having professionals lift and stabilize a damaged slab doesn’t take long at all. Here’s what to expect when you call a local contractor.

Initial Concrete Repair Consultation

Many professional contractors in Salt Lake City, including Lift-Up Concrete, offer free concrete leveling consultations to homeowners and businesses.

An in-person evaluation of your damaged slab is essential, as that allows for an expert recommendation on the best method of repair. Mudjacking is ideal for most cracked, sunken and settled slabs, but not for crumbling concrete and foundation slabs – and a reputable professional will provide you with an honest opinion.

The initial consultation and concrete damage assessment takes just a few minutes. Afterwards, you’ll receive an estimate for the repair work.

The Day of the Concrete Repair

When you’re ready to forge ahead with concrete leveling, you’ll call your professional contractor and schedule a date and time to have the work done.

On project day, the mudjacking team will park in your driveway or on the street. They’ll get right to work, drilling the necessary holes in your damaged slab. Next, they’ll use a hydraulic pump to inject a specialized grout through the holes, and the resulting pressure will raise the slab back to its original position.

Once that’s done, the holes and slab cracks simply need to be sealed, either by you or the professional team. With that, the concrete leveling project is complete.

After the Professionals Leave

Although large-scale jobs take longer, most concrete leveling projects take just an hour or two to complete – and the waiting period for using the repaired slab is just as brief.

Anyone who needs to walk across the surface can do so, even while the professional team is still doing the work. And, the slab is ready for heavy weight a few hours after the project is done. There’s no curing period, as there is with a newly-poured slab. And, mudjacking doesn’t create a mess, so you won’t be left with cleaning work.

Are you interested in learning more about mudjacking? The professional team at Lift-Up Concrete, a leading northern Utah concrete repair contractor, would be happy to answer all of your questions. To discuss concrete leveling at your Salt Lake City home or business property, contact our office and schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today!

concrete repair Utah

Have a Damaged Slab? Get Concrete Repair to Help Avoid a Lawsuit

This may sound a bit dramatic, but if one of the concrete slabs at your Utah home or business property is cracked or uneven, contacting a local concrete repair company for mudjacking service can keep you being sued.

Damaged slabs are more than just eyesores – they’re trip hazards. And under the legal concept of premises liability, you could be held accountable for injuries that result from the unsafe condition of your property. Here’s a look at what could happen if your broken concrete causes an accident and how mudjacking can save you from a personal injury lawsuit.

What Is Premises Liability?

As the owner of a residential or commercial property in Utah, you have a legal responsibility to protect the safety of those who visit. Everyone who is welcome at your home or business has the right to assume that you have taken reasonable care to ensure the property is safe.

When someone slips and falls or suffers any injuries as a result of unsafe property conditions, the owner of the property could be liable. In such a situation, Utah’s premises liability law allows injured individuals to file a claim or take the matter to court.

Whether you have crumbling steps, a sunken sidewalk, cracks in the driveway, an uneven garage floor or another settled slab, resolving the problem should be a priority. If you hold off on concrete repair and someone gets hurt, you may end up paying the price.

What if an Accident Happens on Your Utah Property?

Let’s say that you decide to postpone concrete repair. If the mailman, one of the neighbors or another visitor falls or suffers an injury when walking on your damaged slab, what does that mean for you?

Well, if you didn’t know about the trip hazard or unsafe condition, you may be in the clear in terms of premises liability — the Utah courts are unlikely to hold you accountable for an undiscovered or unknown problem. However, if the injured individual can prove that you were aware of the slab damage and chose not to get concrete repair, they can recover damages through a premises liability claim or personal injury lawsuit.

As for what you might be held liable for, that would include the injured party’s medical bills and any lost wages incurred as a result of the accident. Depending on the severity of their injuries, the individual may also pursue compensation for pain and suffering, future medical care, loss of future wages and other damages.

Think your insurance will help if you end up in court? Most policies require routine property maintenance and regular inspections for potential hazards, so that’s not probably. And in the event your insurance provider does pay out, the claim will go into C.L.U.E., Utah’s comprehensive loss underwriting exchange database – and that could make it more difficult for you to get insurance coverage in the future.

Mudjacking Is the Preferred Concrete Repair Method

For property owners in need of concrete repair, mudjacking – otherwise known as slabjacking or concrete lifting – offers an ideal solution. The process of mudjacking involves just three steps:

  1. Several strategically placed holes, about two inches in diameter, are drilled through the damaged slab.
  2. A cement-based slurry mixture is hydraulically pumped through the holes, and pressure lifts the slab to an even and stable position.
  3. The holes and cracks are sealed to prevent water infiltration and future slab settlement.

Why not simply replace a damaged slab? In comparison to a slab tear-out and replacement project, mudjacking is:

  • Faster and easier – Tearing out and replacing a damaged slab can take weeks when you factor in the curing time. Most mudjacking projects take just an hour or two to complete, and when the work is done, the concrete doesn’t need time to cure.
  • More effective – The mudjacking method of concrete repair restores soil stability, as the voids under a settled slab are filled with the slurry mixture. With a slab replacement, nothing is done to resolve soil instability, and that’s the cause of most concrete damage.
  • Less destructive – Mudjacking is a clean process, and once the concrete repair work is finished, there’s very little evidence left behind. And with mudjacking, there’s no mess to clean and no damage to the landscape. With slab replacement, that’s often not the case.

What’s more, mudjacking costs much less than removing and replacing a damaged slab. Going the latter route could run you two or even three times as much – and why would you want to pay more for a less practical concrete repair?

Don’t Risk a Costly Lawsuit – Schedule Concrete Repair Toda

At Lift-Up Concrete, a leading Utah concrete repair company, we offer free, no-obligation mudjacking consultations to property owners in Salt Lake City, Ogden and the surrounding areas. If you have a damaged slab and want an estimate for mudjacking service, contact us today!

concrete leveling Salt Lake City

How Concrete Leveling Works

Concrete leveling – also known as mudjacking — is a proven, cost-effective method that’s commonly used to repair settled slabs in Salt Lake City. Cracked patios, tilted driveways, sunken sidewalks and uneven garage floors are just a few of the issues that can be resolved with this professional technique.

If you’re unfamiliar with concrete leveling, you’re certainly not alone. In our experience, many people first come across the repair method when researching ways to fix a damaged slab. And, more than a few are surprised to find out that mudjacking has been in use since the 1930s. Here’s a look at how the process works to raise and stabilize settled concrete.

Step 1: GPR Survey

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a non-invasive imaging technique that provides a map of what’s underneath a damaged slab. The equipment allows professional concrete repair contractors to detect the location of voids or empty spaces in the soil.

Step 2: Drilling Holes

To restore a sunken or settled slab back to an even position, several holes must be drilled through the surface. The holes for concrete leveling are small, about two inches in diameter, and they’re usually placed two to four feet apart across the slab.

Step 3: Filling Voids

After the holes have been drilled, the voids underneath are accessible – and to lift the slab and make it stable, those spaces are filled with a specialized grout. The mixture is hydraulically pumped through the holes, and the resulting pressure raises the concrete.

Sealing the Stabilized Slab

Technically speaking, the concrete leveling process is complete when a slab is returned to its original position. But in our view, the work isn’t finished at this point. Any extra grout needs to be wiped away, of course, but more importantly, the surface needs to be sealed.

If the drilled holes and the cracks in the slab aren’t filled and sealed after concrete leveling, water can easily seep down into the soil. Exposure to rain and melting snow can create more problems down the line, leading to the development of new voids and concrete cracks. When a slab is properly sealed, the risk of future settlement – and the need for additional concrete repair — is much lower.

At Lift-Up Concrete, we offer comprehensive mudjacking services to homeowners and businesses in Salt Lake City and the surrounding northern Utah area. Our team has a reputation for providing top-quality work and unparalleled customer care at a competitive price, and we’re proud to be a trusted source for both residential and commercial concrete repair. For more information on our professional services, or to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation and estimate for concrete leveling and sealing, contact us today.

concrete repair Salt Lake City

The Importance of Concrete Repair in Salt Lake City

So, you have a settled concrete slab at your Salt Lake City home or business. Why does that matter? Is concrete repair really necessary?

Those questions are certainly understandable. Settled slabs can be found all over northern Utah, and if other people aren’t fixing their damaged concrete, fixing yours doesn’t seem like a task you should prioritize. However, the reverse is actually true – putting concrete repair on the back burner can lead to a host of problems. Below, the Lift-Up Concrete team shares several reasons to fix your settled slab sooner rather than later.

Settled Concrete Slabs are Hazardous

Most settled concrete slabs have cracks and uneven areas. If that’s the case with your slab, it’s a definite safety hazard. Anyone who comes to your Salt Lake City property and walks on the surface could easily trip and fall, and we’re sure that’s not what you want to happen. Schedule concrete repair soon, and you can make your home or business safer for everyone.

You May Be Held Liable for Injuries

If someone falls and suffers an injury at your property, you could end up in legal hot water. Under Utah’s premises liability laws, the injured party has the right to sue for compensation. If the judge finds that you knew about the settled slab – or that you should have been aware of the issue — and didn’t bother with concrete repair, you’ll be on the hook for the injured person’s medical care and lost income.

Settled Concrete Creates Drainage Issues

When you have a cracked, uneven slab and you don’t schedule prompt concrete repair, you might end up with a costly problem. Rain and melting snow won’t flow away properly – instead, you’ll find pools of water in the wrong areas of the property. Left alone, issues with drainage can lead to foundation damage, which can affect the structural integrity of your home or business building.

Concrete Damage May Violate Building Code

A property with settled slabs and damaged concrete – particularly when the issue involves a flight of stairs — could be in violation of local building code. This typically is more of a problem with commercial structures, and Salt Lake City business owners who correct the damage early on can expect lower concrete repair costs. Why worry about being out of compliance when a simple fix may be all you need?

Settled Concrete Slabs are Unsightly

Looking at your settled concrete, can you honestly say that it’s attractive? Or at least not that bad in appearance? We doubt it – cracked and uneven slabs are eyesores. And while you might not care how the concrete at your Salt Lake City home or business looks, the lack of curb appeal is sure to bring down the value of your property. Get concrete repair, and you won’t take a hit if you decide to sell.

Waiting on Repair Makes the Damage Worse

When you hold off on scheduling concrete repair, the damage only gets worse as time goes on. The longer you wait, the more the slab will settle, sink and crack. And the more extensive the damage, the more you’ll pay for a solution. The cost of concrete repair will be higher – if repair is even possible, that is. Wait too long, and you might be forced to budget for slab replacement, and that’s even more expensive.

How Do Professional Contractors Repair Settled Concrete?

Mudjacking is the most common – and most affordable — solution for settled slabs. Also referred to as concrete lifting or slab leveling, mudjacking is a three-step concrete repair process. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: A few strategically placed holes are drilled in the damaged slab. The holes are about two inches in diameter and, in most cases, set about four feet apart.

Step 2: Using a hydraulic pump, a mud-like slurry – typically made of cement and other materials like sand and clay – is injected through the holes to fill the voids under the settled slab. As the empty spaces are filled, pressure lifts the slab back to its original position.

Step 3: Once the slab is level and its stability has been restored, the mudjacking is done – but the work isn’t finished. Before leaving the property, a reputable contractor will clean up any residual slurry mixture and seal the holes and cracks.

Depending on the severity of the damage to a settled slab, different concrete repair methods – other than mudjacking – might be necessary. In that event, fixing the problem costs more. For that reason, anyone who has cracked and uneven concrete would be wise to get it repaired as soon as possible.

Contact Lift-Up Concrete for a Free Consultation

Mudjacking is a fast and simple method of concrete repair – and when you call on Lift-Up Concrete to fix the settled slabs at your Salt Lake City home or business, you can expect to pay a fair price.

Don’t wait for the problem to get worse. For a free consultation to discuss mudjacking and concrete repair at any northern Utah property, contact Lift-Up Concrete today.

mudjacking Ogden

What Should Ogden Homeowners Ask in a Mudjacking Consultation?

Homeowners in Ogden can discuss mudjacking and concrete repair with a number of professional contractors, since most offer free consultations. However, as is the case with other service-oriented businesses in northern Utah, not all have the same standards.

So, how do you know if a contractor is worthy of your trust?

Online research helps, but the right questions can point you toward the right decision. During your mudjacking consultations, here’s what you should ask.

Is Mudjacking the Right Choice?

The mudjacking process is effective for most sunken, settled and cracked concrete slabs. You’ll notice we didn’t say it works for all damaged slabs – that’s because it doesn’t. For crushed or crumbling concrete, mudjacking isn’t the right solution. Reputable contractors will offer honest opinions on which method of concrete repair you need and why it’s the best option.

What Experience Do You Have with Similar Projects?

Businesses that have been serving Ogden homeowners for several years should be a safe bet. However, before choosing a professional contractor, find out if they have completed mudjacking projects that are similar to yours – and, if so, how often they do that type of work. If, for example, you’d like to fix the concrete around your pool, you want to hire a contractor who routinely repairs pool decks.

How Do You Estimate the Costs of a Mudjacking Project?

When you meet with a professional contractor, you should receive an estimate for concrete repair services. Ask for an explanation of the costs for your mudjacking project – and ask if you can expect any additional fees. Some northern Utah contractors have been known to tack on extra charges after starting a job, and going into detail about the mudjacking estimate can help you avoid this outcome.

What Will the Property Look Like When the Work is Done?

The purpose behind this question is to find out if a professional contractor is neat and careful when completing mudjacking projects. Some don’t make an effort to avoid landscape damage from the equipment, and Ogden homeowners have been left to deal with cleanup once the job is done. Clearly, you don’t want to deal with either situation, so get assurance that your northern Utah property will be in good hands.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Lift-Up Concrete Today

When you’re in need of a reputable professional contractor to complete a mudjacking or concrete repair project at your Ogden home, turn to Lift-Up Concrete.

A locally owned and operated company, Lift-Up Concrete has years of experience in mudjacking. Our team routinely repairs cracked driveways, sunken sidewalks, tilted porch steps, settled pool decks, tilted patios and other damaged concrete slabs. We recommend mudjacking when we know it’s the best option, and you can count on us for cost-effective concrete repair services and high-quality results.

For more information, or to schedule a mudjacking consultation at your Ogden home, contact Lift-Up Concrete today.

concrete lifting Salt Lake City

Is Concrete Lifting Possible During the Winter in Salt Lake City?

Concrete lifting is an affordable and effective fix for cracked, sunken and uneven slabs. Also referred to as slabjacking or concrete raising, the process works to lift a slab back to its original position. Once complete, the surface is stable and safe for use.

If your Salt Lake City property has a damaged slab, can you get it lifted in the winter? Or will you have to wait until spring arrives?

The temperature is the deciding factor, and if it’s freezing cold outside, you may have to hold off on concrete lifting for now – but contacting a professional slabjacking contractor for a consultation is a smart move. Here, the Lift-Up Concrete team explains.

Concrete Lifting Can Be Done if it’s Warm Enough

In Salt Lake City and the surrounding northern Utah area, the cold season isn’t all that cold. Temperatures rarely dip below zero, and the daily high is typically between 23 and 47 degrees.

When it’s relatively warm outside, concrete lifting may be possible. So, if the thermometer has been hitting at least 32 degrees on a daily basis, a slabjacking contractor might suggest moving forward with your project. With chillier temperatures, the cement slurry mixture used to lift and stabilize your concrete may take longer to fully set. However, that won’t affect the final results.

Freezing Temperatures Mean Waiting on Concrete Lifting

December and January are the coldest months in Utah, and in Salt Lake City, the ground does freeze solid at times. When the temperature falls below the freezing point, concrete lifting projects must be postponed.

Here at Lift-Up Concrete, LLC, we enjoy being outside in the cold. We would happily go ahead with slabjacking in sub-zero weather if we could – but the truth is, concrete raising simply can’t be done until the temperature rises. This is the case for a few reasons:

The process – To complete a slabjacking project requires several small, strategically placed holes to be drilled through the concrete down into the soil voids or empty spaces below. When the ground is frozen solid, this task can be beyond the bounds of possibility.

The slurry mixture – With concrete lifting, the specialized cement slurry that is pumped through the holes drilled in a slab is what lifts a slab back into position. When it’s bitterly cold outside, the slurry can freeze inside the hydraulic pump, making it impossible to finish the job.

The results – Freezing temperatures cause the soil to expand, and once the ground thaws, it contracts. This changes the structure of the soil voids, and if concrete is lifted when it’s freezing outside, the work may need to be repeated to ensure that the slab is stable.

Taking Care of Your Concrete in the Wintertime

As you can see, scheduling concrete lifting isn’t always an option in the winter. But the cold weather months can make concrete damage worse – and you don’t want bigger problems in the spring.

Fortunately, you can take steps to prevent additional damage to the concrete surfaces at your Salt Lake City property. Here’s what professional slabjacking contractors recommend:

  • Remove snow and ice as soon as possible. If left in place, moisture will infiltrate the slab when the outside temperature rises, further compromising its integrity.
  • Use sand or gravel instead of deicing salts. The chemicals these products contain actually make it easier for melting snow and ice to seep down into a slab.
  • Check your gutter downspouts. If any are aimed to send water toward a concrete surface, redirect the flow to avoid increasing issues with settlement and cracking.

Also, if it’s your driveway that’s damaged, consider parking on the street until the concrete lifting work is completed. Deicing salts are often used on roadways and parking lots in Salt Lake City, and your car tires can transfer the chemicals to your driveway.

Be Ready for Concrete Lifting When Spring Arrives

If you’re thinking that concrete lifting might be the right solution for your damaged slabs, winter might not be the best time to schedule the project. That said, you can and should go ahead and contact a professional slabjacking contractor.

Most, including the team here at Lift-Up Concrete, offer free consultations throughout the year. We can come out to your Salt Lake City property at any time, and if you turn to us, you can expect an honest opinion. While concrete raising works for most sunken, cracked or tilted slabs, it isn’t always appropriate – and if slabjacking isn’t your best option, we’ll let you know.

Also, if you schedule a consultation, you’ll receive a free estimate for your concrete lifting project. At Lift-Up Concrete, we’re completely transparent in our pricing, and you’ll know your expected costs before we begin our work.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Lift-Up Concrete

Do you have questions about concrete raising? Would you like to know how much it will cost to stabilize and restore the cracked, uneven or sunken slabs at your northern Utah property?

Either way, Lift-Up Concrete is the company to call. We’re ready to provide the information you need, and with our extensive experience in slabjacking, you can count on our professional team to get the job done right – and for an affordable price. For more on our services, or to schedule a no-cost, no-pressure concrete lifting consultation at your Salt Lake City home or business, contact us today.