Benefits of a Concrete Patio

Concrete Patio

The benefits of a concrete patio go beyond cost-effectiveness. When homeowners want a safe, low-maintenance patio that turns their deserted backyard into a welcoming location for social gatherings, concrete is the building material of choice. Read more about the benefits of concrete patios.

Lower Risk of Injury

Wood patios are sealed at the time the project is complete, but weathering takes a toll on the material. Eventually the surface may splinter, posing an injury risk for bare feet or thin-soled shoes. When pavers are used to construct a patio, they are solidified in place, but over time, the stones may loosen and create gaps, potentially causing people to stumble or stub their toes. Concrete patios are smooth and durable. Even if cracks appear, they are easily filled and smoothed over, preventing any risk of injury.

Environmental Considerations

Concrete is an environmentally friendly alternative to wood. Without the need for lumber, repeated staining and finishing, homeowners can preserve trees and reduce chemical waste. Permeable concrete absorbs excess stormwater runoff at a rate of eight to 12 gallons per minute while remaining sturdy and durable. Minimizing stormwater runoff protects nearby water sources and wildlife from dangerous industrial pollutants.

Fast Installation

An experienced company can pour, set and sculpt an aesthetically pleasing concrete patio in a short amount of time. Hiring construction crews to complete a wood or paved patio takes significantly more labor and materials, which translates to a higher cost for the property owner.

Minimal Maintenance

Like all building materials, concrete will wear over time, but it’s affordable and easy to repair. If concrete sinks leaving uneven levels, a quick appointment with a concrete lifting repair company can solve the issue with soil stabilization and prevent future issues. If the slabs crumble or crack, repair specialists can swiftly fill in gaps and return the surface to its previous condition.

Unlike paving stones which have gaps that allow weeds to flourish, concrete patios are a solid surface. To clear away dirt and debris, sweep the patio; to attack stains and persistent grime, use a pressure washer on the tough patches.

If the surface begins to show scuffs and weathering, reseal the patio with another coat of the original brand of seal. Normally seals last between two to three years before another coat is required, but in harsh weather conditions or with significant wear, certain patios may need more frequent maintenance. Contact the original patio installer or a local concrete maintenance company for individual guidance.

For professional concrete installation and maintenance service, look no further than Lift-Up Concrete. Their expert craftsmen can inform you about the additional benefits of a concrete patio and issue a personalized quote for your property.