Concrete lifting is almost always the ideal solution for a damaged slab. Also known as mudjacking, the repair technique is commonly used in Ogden and throughout northern Utah. All things considered, when it comes to uneven sidewalks, cracked driveways, sagging patios and other concrete surfaces with settlement-related damage, mudjacking is typically recommended over slab replacement.
So, why is mudjacking considered to be the best repair option?
Concrete Lifting is a Faster and Easier Fix
The process of tearing out and replacing a damaged slab takes several days, and afterwards, the concrete needs time to cure. All told, the surface may not be useable for a few weeks.
Mudjacking is a much faster process – most projects are finished in just a couple of hours, and when the contractor leaves, the slab is immediately ready for light use. A few hours later or by the next day, the concrete can handle heavy weight.
Concrete Lifting Offers Exceptional Results
Replacing a damaged slab might make sense if doing so would provide better results than mudjacking, but that’s not the case. Issues within the soil aren’t resolved through slab replacement, and quite often, the new slab doesn’t match the nearby concrete.
In contrast, the mudjacking process addresses the root of the problem by stabilizing the soil under a damaged slab. As such, the concrete remains secure for many years to come. And with just a few small holes drilled in the slab, the work is hardly noticeable.
Concrete Lifting is an Eco-Friendly Solution
With slab replacement, the concrete that’s removed is often goes to the local landfill, and while it can be recycled, that doesn’t always happen. In addition, tearing out and replacing a slab requires both fuel-burning trucks and power-hungry equipment.
Mudjacking is a much more environmentally responsible technique. The materials used are natural, there’s no waste and a single truck equipped with a drill and a hydraulic pump gets the job done. Clearly, mudjacking is the greener choice.
Concrete Lifting Comes at a Much Lower Cost
As the saying goes, you get what you pay for – but in the case of concrete repair, spending more isn’t sensible. Mudjacking offers fast, long-lasting results and the work leaves a little carbon footprint. Plus, mudjacking comes at a very nice price.
Slab replacement is a time-consuming and ecologically unfriendly process, and compared to mudjacking, it’s less effective. Considering that replacing a damaged slab can cost two to three times as much as mudjacking, going that route can be impractical.
Schedule a Free Concrete Lifting Consultation
Although we’d love to say that mudjacking can work to lift and stabilize every damaged slab, that isn’t quite true. With severely crumbled or cracked concrete and sunken slab foundations, other concrete repair methods are recommended.
To find out if mudjacking can work to fix the damaged slab at your Ogden home or business, contact Lift Up Concrete and schedule a free, no-obligation concrete lifting consultation today.