Category Archives: Leveling

concrete lifting Ogden, Utah

Have an Uneven Garage Floor? Concrete Lifting Provides a Solution

Settled sidewalks, sunken porch steps and lopsided driveways are just a few examples of the issues homeowners in Ogden, Utah, commonly face. Concrete lifting can solve these problems, and the repair technique works for uneven garage floors, too.

Why does it matter if your garage floor isn’t even? What caused the problem? Why is concrete lifting the best course of action? Get the answers to your questions below.

The Problems with an Uneven Garage Floor

A tilted garage floor isn’t just an eyesore. Left unaddressed, the defect could result in serious repercussions.

Whether a corner is starting to sink, or the floor has settled lower than the surface of the driveway, rain and melting snow may drain back into the garage, leaving pools of water. Puddles are a nuisance, to be sure, and they can also become breeding sites for mosquitos. And for anyone who uses the garage as a workshop, using electrical tools when standing on a wet floor is quite dangerous.

If the concrete is cracked, everything underneath the surface of the garage – which might include living areas as well as plumbing and electrical systems — could be at risk. Water pooling in the garage could reach the cracks, causing extensive damage.

In addition, with an uneven floor, the garage door may not operate as it should. As time goes on, the door leading into the home could become misaligned. Foundation damage can also occur, posing a threat to the stability of the entire structure.

How a Garage Floor Becomes Uneven

When a garage sinks or settles, concrete lifting is often the ideal solution – but why does the floor become uneven in the first place?

In some cases, poor grading practices during home construction is the reason. If the property isn’t sloped properly, rainwater and melting snow will stream into the garage instead of flowing down the driveway and into the sewer system.

For the most part, though, lopsided concrete is the result of soil settlement. This can occur due to sudden soil washout from a plumbing leak, flood or heavy rainfall. Wintertime frost heave, or pressure from subsurface ice, could also be to blame, as could misdirected gutters and downspouts, tree root growth and burrowing animals.

Whatever the cause, shifting soil can create voids or air pockets under slabs. Lacking adequate foundational support, concrete begins to sink.

Why Concrete Lifting is the Ideal Repair Option

Concrete lifting, also known as mudjacking, effectively raises settled and sunken slabs by injecting a mud-like slurry underneath. The process is straightforward, involving three basic steps:

  • Step 1: After conducting a ground penetrating radar survey of the affected slab, a few small holes are drilled in strategic locations to fill the voids beneath.
  • Step 2: Using a hydraulic pump, the slurry mixture is sent through the drilled holes, filling the voids and creating enough pressure to lift the slab.
  • Step 3: Once the concrete reaches the proper position, the holes and any cracks in the surface are sealed to help prevent future water infiltration.

Why is concrete lifting the right choice for a garage floor? Ogden homeowners have a few good reasons:

  • Price – Mudjacking is the least expensive fix for a slab that is settled, sunken or cracked, costing less than polyjacking and slab replacement.
  • Time – Concrete lifting is a quick, non-disruptive method of repair, and most garage floor projects take just a few hours to complete.
  • Results – Because the repair method stabilizes the soil under a slab, concrete lifting is an effective fix for an uneven garage floor.

Why not add a floor drain? Wouldn’t that be a smarter solution? Probably not. Installing a drain without tearing out the floor of a garage is a difficult and time-consuming endeavor. And as the slab continues to settle, the drain may not work all that well. Furthermore, building codes in some parts of northern Utah prevent homeowners from placing floor drains in garages, as there is a potential for hazardous waste to contaminate the local water supply.

But assuming you could install a functional drain system in your garage, going that route may not be the best plan. Concrete lifting is far more affordable – and since the mudjacking process will eliminate the voids in the soil under your garage floor, further settlement issues will be unlikely.

Schedule a Free Concrete Lifting Consultation Today

Most professional mudjacking contractors in the northern Utah area – including Lift-Up Concrete – offer free, no-obligation consultations.

If you contact a reputable concrete lifting company to inquire about fixing an uneven garage floor, a representative will visit your property to assess the extent of the damage. Afterwards, you will be given an estimate, based on the severity of the soil instabilities and the overall scope of the project. To ensure you pay a fair price, experts recommend getting a few concrete lifting estimates.

If you are looking for a highly skilled and experienced professional mudjacking contractor serving Ogden, Utah, reach out to the team at Lift-Up Concrete. We are proud to have a reputation for stellar workmanship, quality results and exceptional customer service. And with us, you can expect fair, affordable pricing. Contact us and request a free consultation to discuss concrete lifting for your uneven garage floor today.

concrete leveling Salt Lake City

Why Concrete Leveling Is the Superior Solution for Sunken Steps

Sunken steps aren’t just an eyesore – they’re unsafe, putting your family, friends and everyone else at risk anytime they visit your Salt Lake City home. Concrete leveling, or mudjacking, offers a solution, as the repair method can restore your steps to an even and stable position.

If your entryway or porch steps are sinking, you could choose to replace them. But why make that move when mudjacking is the better option? Keep reading, and you’ll see that concrete leveling is the right remedy for your sunken steps.

Concrete Leveling Is a Low-Cost Fix

Mudjacking is an affordable method of concrete repair, one that is far more budget-friendly than replacing an entryway or porch steps.

If you go with a tear-out and replacement project, you won’t simply be paying for new concrete – you’ll be paying to have the old concrete removed. You might also have to budget for the services of a structural engineer to ensure the foundation is stable. All things considered, the total for the project will likely be two to three times what you would have paid for mudjacking.

Steps Can Be Repaired in a Few Hours

With mudjacking, sunken steps can be lifted and restored in very little time – and afterwards, they’re ready for immediate use.

Replacing the porch or entryway steps at your Salt Lake City home has a far different result. This type of project typically takes a few weeks to complete, not just a few hours like concrete leveling. Furthermore, once the work is done, you must allow the concrete to cure. Your steps may be unusable for several weeks, and that might be rather inconvenient for you and your family.

Mudjacking Offers Long-Lasting Results

Choose mudjacking, and you can expect your restored steps to remain safe, stable and even for a prolonged period – 8 to 10 years is the average.

If you opt for replacement of your sunken steps, you really can’t look forward to lasting results. While the mudjacking process addresses instabilities in the underlying soil, the culprit behind most sunken concrete, that’s not the case with a tear-out and replacement project. And with unstable soil conditions under your steps, there’s a strong chance they’ll sink again in the future.

Are You Ready to Fix Your Sunken Steps?

Lift-Up Concrete, a leading mudjacking company serving Salt Lake City, Utah, has the expertise to evaluate your entryway or porch steps and recommend the right repair approach. In most cases, that’s concrete leveling, but we’ll steer you toward another solution if that is necessary.

If you’re ready to fix your sunken steps, Lift-Up Concrete is ready to step in and get the job done. For a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss concrete leveling at your Salt Lake City home, contact our office in Kaysville, Utah, today.

concrete leveling Utah

Is Concrete Leveling a Good Idea? Info for Utah Homeowners

Maybe you’ve noticed cracks in the walkways and sidewalks surrounding your Utah home. Or perhaps your porch steps have sunk a few inches. In any case, concrete leveling is certainly worthy of your consideration.

Also referred to as concrete lifting, slab leveling or mudjacking, concrete leveling is a method of repair for settled slabs. The process involves drilling small holes to reach the soil voids under the concrete and using a hydraulic pump to fill those voids with a cement slurry mixture. Pressure lifts the slab back to its original even position, then the cracks and drilled holes are caulked. That’s really all there is to leveling concrete – but is the repair right for your damaged slab?

Concrete lifting is an excellent option for Utah homeowners, but it isn’t the only option. Before committing to having your settled slab professionally leveled, read the following to get the information you need.

Why Bother Repairing Settled Concrete?

We get it – repairing the settled slabs around your Utah home doesn’t seem all that important. If you’re like most people, the project probably isn’t one of your top priorities. However, scheduling concrete leveling soon is in your best interests.

Cracked and sunken slabs are trip hazards. Utah homeowners have a responsibility to keep their properties safe, and ignoring settled concrete opens up the possibility of a premises liability lawsuit. If you hold off on addressing the issue and someone gets hurt, you may end up paying a rather high price.

In addition, concrete settlement can create problems around your property. Left unaddressed, affected slabs can cause rain and melting snow to flow in the wrong direction. If there’s any water runoff along the foundation, it can settle, pulling away from the house structure. As that happens, cracks may develop in the walls of your home and the doors and windows may begin to stick. Foundation settlement isn’t an issue that can be resolved with concrete leveling, and the fix is quite costly. However, if you go ahead and repair your settled slabs now, eliminating your drainage issues, you can preserve the foundation of your Utah home.

Also, we have to ask – are you planning to live in your current home forever? If not, concrete repair may be a must at some point. Home buyers are put off by settled slabs, as they can be a sign of foundation damage. And even if that isn’t the case, people may see your cracked and sunken concrete as a sign that you haven’t taken care of the property. At any rate, your Utah home could sit on the market for quite some time if you don’t address the problem.

Advantages of Concrete Leveling

Now that you’re clear on the reasons to move forward with concrete repair, you need a solution. When faced with cracked or sunken slabs, homeowners in Utah and across the country depend on concrete leveling to eliminate the problem. Take a look at the upsides, and you’ll understand why.


One of the most impressive benefits of concrete leveling is the cost. As long as a slab isn’t badly crumbled or severely riddled with cracks, it can likely be mudjacked for far less than any other repair solution would cost.


Most residential concrete leveling projects are completed in less than a day – and there’s no waiting for the slab to cure. The surface can handle foot traffic right away, and a few hours later, it can support much heavier weight.


Matching a new slab to the surrounding concrete is nearly impossible. With slab leveling, this isn’t a concern – the surface remains the same, and the caulk used is closely color-matched to the concrete, making the repair almost invisible.


The process of concrete leveling is minimally invasive, and professional contractors make every effort to preserve the landscape while completing the work. Homeowners who go with a different solution are often forced to deal with damaged yards.

Other Options for Settled Concrete Slabs

While concrete leveling is typically the best fix for settled slabs, Utah homeowners do have other options. If you have cracked or sunken concrete anywhere on your property, you could choose any of these game plans:

Leave the Slab Alone

Waiting awhile might be okay if the damage isn’t too severe, but you shouldn’t put off the repair for too long. As we said above, settled slabs can lead to costly foundation problems. And, of course, you could be sued if someone is injured while on your property. In the long run, doing nothing could cost you.

Replace the Concrete

Tearing out and replacing the concrete will solve your problem, but going this route comes with significant drawbacks. The cost is typically two to three times higher than that for concrete leveling, and you can expect the work to disrupt the surrounding landscape. Plus, the slab will be unusable for a couple of weeks.

Go for Foamjacking

Similar process to mudjacking, foamjacking is effective — but not nearly as budget-friendly. What’s more, the polyurethane foam used contains flammable chemicals, while the slurry used for traditional concrete leveling is organic. The foam sets much faster, too, and if it hardens before the soil voids are filled, slab stability can be affected.

Schedule a Free Concrete Leveling Consultation Today

Have you decided that mudjacking is the right fix for your cracked or sunken slab? For expert service at a nice price, Utah homeowners rely on the professional team at Lift-Up Concrete. Contact us to arrange for a free, no-obligation concrete leveling consultation today!HHave you decided

concrete lifting Ogden, Utah

Concrete Lifting – An Affordable & Effective Fix for Settled Slabs

Concrete lifting, or mudjacking, is the least expensive fix for a settled slab at a residential property in Ogden, Utah. The price is far lower than other methods of concrete repair — but don’t you get what you pay for? If you go with mudjacking, will you come to regret that choice?

Not at all. While the cheapest way of solving a problem isn’t always the best route to take with most home improvement projects, that isn’t the case for concrete repair. As long as you have a reputable company like Lift-Up Concrete handle the work, concrete lifting can provide an affordable, high-quality fix for settled slabs. Here’s what homeowners in Ogden need to know.

Concrete Lifting is a Proven Repair Technique

In our experience, many people throughout northern Utah are unfamiliar with mudjacking – but the technique of concrete lifting isn’t new.

Developed back in the 1930’s, mudjacking was initially used to lift and stabilize concrete highways, airline runways, dams and roadways. Later on, contractors began to rely on mudjacking for small-scale commercial and residential projects. The repair method has a long history of success, and it’s been proven to work for just about any settled slab. For uneven sidewalks, slanted driveways, sunken porch steps, sagging patios, lopsided pool decks and tilted garage floors, mudjacking is a highly effective fix.

Concrete Lifting Offers Attractive Results

Settled slabs have a negative impact on curb appeal, but after mudjacking, damaged concrete no longer diminishes the charm of an Ogden residential property.

During the concrete lifting process, a few small holes are drilled in the affected slab. Once the concrete has been leveled and caulk has been applied, however, these holes are virtually invisible. The same is true of any cracks in the concrete, and with caulk that’s a close match in color to the original slab, the outcome is aesthetically pleasing. Many people find the results to be superior to what can be achieved with a tear-out and replacement project, as newly poured concrete is often rather conspicuous.

Concrete Lifting is the Greenest Repair Option

Mudjacking isn’t just an effective, low-cost repair technique that offers appealing results – it’s also the most eco-friendly solution for a settled slab.

The cement-based mixture used is comprised of completely natural ingredients like Portland cement and limestone aggregate. Not only does the slurry contain no synthetic fillers or chemicals, but professional contractors take care to ensure that none of the mudjacking material is wasted. Add in the fact that concrete lifting requires very little fossil fuel energy – just a single truck with a hydraulic pump and a powerful drill — and it’s easy to see why it’s the green approach.

The Many Benefits of Concrete Lifting

We’ve already mentioned that concrete lifting is the cheapest repair option, one that’s proven to work and provides aesthetically appealing results. We’ve also explained what makes mudjacking a sustainable repair solution. But, these aren’t the only reasons it’s often considered to be the best fix for a settled slab.

Why is concrete lifting the recommended approach? Ogden homeowners who go with mudjacking also enjoy the following advantages:

  • Value – Filling the air pockets in the soil under a slab with the cement-based mudjacking mixture addresses the cause of the problem and makes the concrete more stable and secure. The slab tear-out and replacement process doesn’t, and opting for that sort of fix means settlement is likely to reoccur.
  • Longevity – Since mudjacking works to fill the empty spaces in the underlying soil, the results are long-lasting. In Ogden, Utah, most settled slabs that are lifted and stabilized through concrete lifting remain anchored in position for at least 8 to 10 years. The same can’t be said of slab replacement.
  • Time – In most cases, mudjacking projects can be completed within just a couple of hours. Afterwards, the slab is ready for light use immediately, and heavy weight by the next morning. Slab replacement can take weeks to complete, and with curing needed, the surface may be unusable for a month or more.

What’s more, mudjacking isn’t a messy project. Once complete, the nearby landscaping looks the same – there’s no damage from the truck or the machinery. In contrast, the demolition work involved in a slab tear-out and replacement project can really wreak havoc on the landscape. We don’t think any Ogden homeowner wants that problem when the work crew leaves.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Lift-Up Concrete Today

Is concrete lifting the best solution for your settled slab? Probably – but to get an expert opinion at no cost, schedule a consultation with the Lift-Up Concrete team.

With our knowledge, skill and years of experience, we have what it takes to overcome concrete settlement and provide high-quality, long-lasting results. We’re known for our affordable pricing and exceptional customer service, and if we can’t save your slab through mudjacking, you can count on us to find an approach that appeals to your needs.

For more information on mudjacking and the other services we offer at Lift-Up Concrete, or to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss concrete lifting for a settled slab at your Ogden, Utah, home, contact our office today.

concrete lifting Salt Lake City

Concrete Lifting Can Abolish Trip Hazards at Salt Lake City Homes

While concrete-related trip hazards are often more of a concern with commercial properties in Salt Lake City, Utah, homeowners can benefit from concrete lifting, too – and getting the work done provides more than an aesthetic boost.

How so? Well, if you own a residential property and you know there’s an area in need concrete repair, you may be held financially liable if someone falls and injures themselves. The same might be true if a trip hazard exists that you, as the homeowner, should have discovered. Concrete lifting can help you avoid these potential liability concerns. Here are the most common concrete-related issues that you may need to address to protect your interests and keep your Salt Lake City property safe.

Cracked Driveways

Typically one of the largest slabs on a residential property, the driveway handles a great deal of weight and pressure on a regular basis. Over time, as the soil underneath expands, contracts and shifts in response to the moisture level, driveways can develop cracks. Depending on the exact location, these cracks can serve as trip hazards, but a professional concrete repair contractor can eliminate the problem.

Sinking Sidewalks

Damaged and deteriorated sidewalks are another liability concern. While the local public services department handles sidewalk repair in some parts of northern Utah, that isn’t the case here – in Salt Lake City, the adjacent property owner is responsible. When the sidewalks near a home sink and become trip hazards, concrete lifting is a solution – but for those who take advantage of the 50/50 concrete program, the City shares the cost.

Uneven Steps & Porches

Many Salt Lake City homes have steps leading up to the front and/or back doors, and porches are common features of residential properties. These slabs are usually put in place late in the building process or during renovations, and being separate sections of concrete, they’re more susceptible to sinking than foundational slabs. Fortunately, concrete lifting can eliminate hazards and lower the liability risk.

Settled Pool Decks

For homeowners who have in-ground swimming pools, slab settlement can pose a significant danger. If the soil surrounding the pool area wasn’t properly compacted, or if there’s another issue – like improper ground slope, frost heave or water infiltration – the pool could lose its structural integrity. When a pool deck starts to sink and settle, prompt concrete lifting can make the swimming area safe for everyone to enjoy.

Do you have any concrete-related trip hazards? If your home is in Salt Lake City or the surrounding northern Utah area, Lift-Up Concrete is the company to call. Our team has the experience and skill to address liability concerns, and with us, repairing a damaged slab is affordable.

For details on our services, or to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss concrete lifting, contact us today.

concrete repair Ogden

Mudjacking: An Environmentally Responsible Concrete Repair Method

Mudjacking, or slab leveling, is almost always the ideal concrete repair solution for a cracked, sunken or settled slab. It’s quick, effective and less costly than the alternatives, making it the most practical option for Ogden property owners.

The cherry on top? Mudjacking is also an eco-friendly method of concrete repair, allowing you to fix the damaged concrete at your northern Utah home or business without leaving a large carbon footprint. Here’s what makes slab leveling an environmentally sound repair technique.

Natural Materials

Mudjacking involves a cement-based slurry, which is pumped through the concrete and into the soil underneath. No chemicals or synthetic fillers go into the slurry – it typically contains Portland cement, water, limestone aggregate and other organic materials. As the grout mixture used is completely natural, slab leveling is an eco-friendly concrete repair solution.

No Wasted Resources

During the mudjacking process, the mudlike slurry spreads out, filling the air cavities in the soil and creating pressure, which works to level and stabilize the slab. Professional contractors carefully control the amount of grout going into the ground, only pumping through enough to get the job done. Nothing is wasted, which helps keep the environment clean.

Not Much Energy Use

Slab leveling requires just one truck, equipped with a powerful drill and a hydraulic pump. A minimal amount of fossil fuel energy is needed to run the equipment, and a few hours is all it takes to complete most Ogden concrete repair projects. Since mudjacking doesn’t involve lots of power-hungry gear and gas-guzzling trucks, the environmental impact is minimized.

No Landscape Damage

When an Ogden concrete repair project is complete and work crew leaves the property, the look of the landscape isn’t all that different from when they arrived. Experienced professional contractors — like Lift-Up Concrete — make sure to park the work truck out of the way and take great care to ensure no environmental or landscaping damage is done. Really, the only change is the levelled slab.

Do You Need Concrete Repair?

At Lift-Up Concrete, doing what we can to protect the local northern Utah environment is a responsibility we take quite seriously. Practicing sustainable repair techniques and placing less of a demand on nature is important to us – and we’re just as committed to customer satisfaction.

Turn to us for slab leveling, and you can expect top-notch workmanship and stellar service. Mudjacking will be affordable, too, and you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you’re making an environmentally responsible choice.

For more information on mudjacking, or to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss concrete repair at your home or business in Ogden, Utah, get in touch with Lift-Up Concrete today.

concrete leveling Salt Lake City

Breaking Down the Costs of Concrete Leveling

Cost is an important consideration with any type of property renovation. As such, before you move forward with concrete leveling at your Salt Lake City home, you’ll want to understand the financial impact of the project.

To find out how much you’ll need to budget, you’ll need to get estimates from a few local professional mudjacking contractors. The average price online for concrete leveling can be found online, but a number of factors contribute to the cost — and since every project is unique, there’s no way to predict if the total to level and stabilize your sunken slab will be close to the national average.

What we can say, though, is that for homeowners in Salt Lake City, concrete leveling is the least expensive method of fixing an uneven slab. To explain what the cost covers, here’s a look at the various elements that go into our concrete repair estimates.

Baseline Costs for Concrete Leveling

Every service business has fixed costs, or unavoidable expenses like rent, property taxes, wages and utilities. Professional mudjacking contractors have these sorts of overhead expenses, too, and for a concrete repair company, tools, equipment, employee training, licensure and insurance are also fixed costs.

Estimates for concrete leveling start with a baseline fee to cover the company’s fixed costs. The amount can vary between mudjacking contractors in the Salt Lake City area, but be wary of anyone who charges very little – consider that a red flag for problems.

Enormity of the Voids Under the Slab

When a concrete slab starts to sink into the ground, voids or air pockets within the soil underneath are usually to blame. The expansive clay soil commonly found in northern Utah is vulnerable to the development of voids, and other issues, such as burrowing animals and tree root growth, can make matters worse.

The concrete leveling process can effectively lift and stabilize a sunken slab, but for that to happen, all of the empty spaces in the soil underneath must be filled with a cement slurry. Extensive voids require more of this mixture, driving up the cost of the repair.

Scope of the Concrete Repair Project

Just like any other property improvement project, the cost of concrete leveling depends largely upon the size of the job. So, for instance, a Salt Lake City homeowner who wants to fix a small patio or a section of the sidewalk will likely pay less than someone who needs concrete repair for a badly settled pool deck or driveway.

The key to paying a fair price given the scope of the work involved is to choose a trustworthy mudjacking contractor, one who will measure the area in question before providing an estimate. Here at Lift-Up Concrete, that’s the standard practice.

Difficulty in Completing the Repair Work

Estimates for all types of business services also include labor charges, and the more time and work a project requires, the higher the total labor costs. When it comes to a Salt Lake City concrete leveling project, the cost of labor is directly related to two elements – how easy the area is to reach and how much the concrete has settled.

With a slightly sunken slab in a spot that’s easily accessible, concrete leveling can be completed quickly, resulting in low labor charges. When a mudjacking contractor has to work in tight quarters or concrete settlement is more extensive, the opposite is true.

Urgency in Leveling the Sunken Slab

Service businesses often have very busy schedules, and while many are willing to take rush jobs, most charge extra to complete work on an expedited timeline. The is the norm for northern Utah companies that offer concrete leveling, but some Salt Lake City homeowners need an immediate fix, despite the added cost.

While swift action to lift and stabilize uneven concrete at a residential property is rarely required, certain issues, such as problems with wheelchair access, may call for urgency. For those concerned about cost, Lift-Up Concrete can create a payment plan.

Comparing Concrete Repair Estimates

No Salt Lake City homeowner wants to pay any more than necessary for concrete leveling – and the best way to make sure you don’t get overcharged is to get at least a few estimates from local professional mudjacking contractors. That way, you can compare costs and snag a great price.

Having said that, cost isn’t the only important factor for a concrete leveling project. Automatically going with the concrete repair company that comes in with the lowest bid may not be in your best interests. In this situation, you do get what you pay for, so take the time to consider each contractor’s experience and qualifications. Check their references and company reviews, too, and don’t forget to look into the warranty they provide for their work. A few minutes of research can keep you from making a potentially costly mistake.

Lift-Up Concrete, a leading northern Utah concrete repair company, serves homeowners and commercial clients in Salt Lake City and the surrounding area. To request a free, no-obligation consultation and estimate for concrete leveling, contact us today.

mudjacking Ogden

The Pros and Cons of Mudjacking a Settled Concrete Slab

Is mudjacking the right fix for the cracked or sunken concrete at your Ogden home? Can the repair method really restore the stability and appearance of a damaged driveway, pool deck, porch, garage or any other settled outdoor slab?

Most people in northern Utah are pleasantly surprised to learn that mudjacking is a highly effective concrete repair technique. And for the vast majority of homeowners in the Ogden area, it’s the best option.

How Mudjacking Works

Concrete slabs sink and crack as a result of changes in the earth underneath. Over time, soil can expand, contract, shift and wash away, creating air pockets that compromise the integrity of the concrete and make a slab unstable.

Mudjacking works to stabilize the soil and return a settled slab to its original level position. After drilling a few small holes, a professional contractor is able to fill the pockets of air with a cement slurry mixture. The moment that’s done, pressure raises the concrete into the proper place. Once the cracks and drilled holes have been sealed, the slab is ready for use.

Advantages of Mudjacking

Looking at the pros of mudjacking, it’s easy to see why Ogden homeowners go with this method of concrete repair. Mudjacking is:

  • Affordable – Tearing out and replacing a settled slab typically costs two to three times as much as hiring a professional for mudjacking.
  • Effective – Soil instabilities are eliminated through the mudjacking process, but that isn’t the case with concrete tear-out and replacement.
  • Efficient – Unlike the process of slab replacement, mudjacking is fast, and getting concrete mudjacked does no damage to the landscape.

Are There Downsides to Mudjacking?

So, we’ve explained that mudjacking is both cheaper and more effective than slab replacement. We mentioned, too, that the concrete repair technique offers quick results without disturbing the landscape. There has to be a catch, right?

Well, it’s true that mudjacking has limits – the method isn’t viable for a slab that is badly cracked, crumbled or deteriorated. And while evidence of the repair work isn’t easily visible after the surface has been sealed, the concrete isn’t going to look as pristine as a newly poured slab.

Other than that, there really aren’t any other cons to mudjacking. And for most homeowners in Ogden and the surrounding northern Utah area, the fact that you can see that the repair has been completed isn’t a problem – it’s a fair trade-off for having a secure, stable concrete slab and not having to pay a high price for the work.

Are you curious to know if mudjacking can restore your settled concrete slab? At Lift-Up Concrete, our professional team offers free, no-obligation consultations and estimates to homeowners and businesses in Ogden, Salt Lake City and throughout northern Utah. To meet with one of our mudjacking experts, contact us today!

concrete leveling Salt Lake City

How Long Does Concrete Leveling Take?

Concrete leveling, or mudjacking, is the most effective fix for cracked, settled and sunken slabs. The repair method is also the most affordable option – and when completed by an experienced Salt Lake City concrete repair contractor, the results last for a decade or longer.

So, how long does mudjacking take? Is the concrete leveling process time-consuming?

Actually, having professionals lift and stabilize a damaged slab doesn’t take long at all. Here’s what to expect when you call a local contractor.

Initial Concrete Repair Consultation

Many professional contractors in Salt Lake City, including Lift-Up Concrete, offer free concrete leveling consultations to homeowners and businesses.

An in-person evaluation of your damaged slab is essential, as that allows for an expert recommendation on the best method of repair. Mudjacking is ideal for most cracked, sunken and settled slabs, but not for crumbling concrete and foundation slabs – and a reputable professional will provide you with an honest opinion.

The initial consultation and concrete damage assessment takes just a few minutes. Afterwards, you’ll receive an estimate for the repair work.

The Day of the Concrete Repair

When you’re ready to forge ahead with concrete leveling, you’ll call your professional contractor and schedule a date and time to have the work done.

On project day, the mudjacking team will park in your driveway or on the street. They’ll get right to work, drilling the necessary holes in your damaged slab. Next, they’ll use a hydraulic pump to inject a specialized grout through the holes, and the resulting pressure will raise the slab back to its original position.

Once that’s done, the holes and slab cracks simply need to be sealed, either by you or the professional team. With that, the concrete leveling project is complete.

After the Professionals Leave

Although large-scale jobs take longer, most concrete leveling projects take just an hour or two to complete – and the waiting period for using the repaired slab is just as brief.

Anyone who needs to walk across the surface can do so, even while the professional team is still doing the work. And, the slab is ready for heavy weight a few hours after the project is done. There’s no curing period, as there is with a newly-poured slab. And, mudjacking doesn’t create a mess, so you won’t be left with cleaning work.

Are you interested in learning more about mudjacking? The professional team at Lift-Up Concrete, a leading northern Utah concrete repair contractor, would be happy to answer all of your questions. To discuss concrete leveling at your Salt Lake City home or business property, contact our office and schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today!

concrete leveling Salt Lake City

How Concrete Leveling Works

Concrete leveling – also known as mudjacking — is a proven, cost-effective method that’s commonly used to repair settled slabs in Salt Lake City. Cracked patios, tilted driveways, sunken sidewalks and uneven garage floors are just a few of the issues that can be resolved with this professional technique.

If you’re unfamiliar with concrete leveling, you’re certainly not alone. In our experience, many people first come across the repair method when researching ways to fix a damaged slab. And, more than a few are surprised to find out that mudjacking has been in use since the 1930s. Here’s a look at how the process works to raise and stabilize settled concrete.

Step 1: GPR Survey

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a non-invasive imaging technique that provides a map of what’s underneath a damaged slab. The equipment allows professional concrete repair contractors to detect the location of voids or empty spaces in the soil.

Step 2: Drilling Holes

To restore a sunken or settled slab back to an even position, several holes must be drilled through the surface. The holes for concrete leveling are small, about two inches in diameter, and they’re usually placed two to four feet apart across the slab.

Step 3: Filling Voids

After the holes have been drilled, the voids underneath are accessible – and to lift the slab and make it stable, those spaces are filled with a specialized grout. The mixture is hydraulically pumped through the holes, and the resulting pressure raises the concrete.

Sealing the Stabilized Slab

Technically speaking, the concrete leveling process is complete when a slab is returned to its original position. But in our view, the work isn’t finished at this point. Any extra grout needs to be wiped away, of course, but more importantly, the surface needs to be sealed.

If the drilled holes and the cracks in the slab aren’t filled and sealed after concrete leveling, water can easily seep down into the soil. Exposure to rain and melting snow can create more problems down the line, leading to the development of new voids and concrete cracks. When a slab is properly sealed, the risk of future settlement – and the need for additional concrete repair — is much lower.

At Lift-Up Concrete, we offer comprehensive mudjacking services to homeowners and businesses in Salt Lake City and the surrounding northern Utah area. Our team has a reputation for providing top-quality work and unparalleled customer care at a competitive price, and we’re proud to be a trusted source for both residential and commercial concrete repair. For more information on our professional services, or to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation and estimate for concrete leveling and sealing, contact us today.