As winter approaches, homeowners everywhere are busy preparing their homes for the upcoming cold season. This means checking on everything from HVAC to plumbing and many other maintenance areas, ensuring everything is prepared to handle the snow and ice that are common during Utah winters.
At Lift-Up Concrete Lifting LLC, we’re here to tell you about one additional area you’d be wise to consider before winter hits if your home is in need of it: Garage floor concrete repair services, which we offer throughout the year as part of our overall concrete lifting and leveling program. If you suspect your garage floor is in need of any concrete repair whatsoever, here are a few reasons why attending to them now, before first snow of the year hits, is the right move.
More Frequent Use
For starters, it’s important to remember that you’re almost certainly going to be using the garage floor surface more often during winter. More homeowners choose to store vehicles in the garage during winter to keep them a bit warmer and avoid any risks of weather-related damage, and this additional weight on the garage floor causes greater strain. If you already have small cracks or holes present, the risk of these expanding into larger problems is higher during this period.
Busy Season
Another reason to consider such repairs now rather than later: The early winter is a busy season for many people. What with major holidays and common scheduling conflicts, you may find yourself putting off concrete repair services for weeks or even months – again, allowing for minor issues to grow into major ones that require more hassle and a higher cost to repair.
Freezing and Thawing Cycles
If your surface has cracks or other openings in the concrete, snow or ice that are present – even in small amounts tracked in by a vehicle or your shoes – will seep down into these openings. When the temperature is above freezing, they will remain in liquid form.
But when the temperature drops below freezing, this moisture will freeze again and expand. This can significantly worsen existing damage and even create new cracks in some situations.
Protection for Surfaces and Foundation
In addition to all of the above, repairing concrete before winter allows it to stay protected. Paint, epoxy and various coatings block road salt and water, but the floor has to be in good condition first.
Relatedly, such protection also keeps the foundation of your home in good shape. A poorly functioning garage floor may allow water to make its way down into the foundation, causing significant structural damage. But you can avoid this altogether with proper preparation and concrete repair.
To learn more about the value of concrete lifting and leveling for your garage floor before winter arrives, or for information on any of our surfaces covered or services offered, speak to the staff at Lift-Up Concrete Lifting LLC today.