In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on how a concrete foundation is built within a home. The foundation has a direct connection to other concrete sections of a property, such as the garage floor, driveway or even patio in some cases, and understanding how it’s built and how it impacts these other areas is important.
At Lift-Up Concrete, we’re happy to offer a wide range of commercial, municipal and residential concrete lifting and leveling services, including for areas like driveway leveling that may relate specifically to the care and maintenance of your home’s foundation – which tends to be among the costliest and most significant repairs, making such concrete areas very important. Today’s part two of our series will go over the final steps of concrete foundation building.
At the end of part one, we finished off with the concrete for foundation walls being poured. After this point, the forms that were used for this process must be taken off the walls. At this point, the concrete must be left to dry and cure properly – if this is not done, it will not have enough strength to support the house moving forward. This is a common issue we tend to see during concrete repair, so if you’re on-hand for this job, just be sure to check that your contractor is taking the proper curing time here.
Waterproofing Themes
Once concrete walls have completely cured and dried in place, it’s time to waterproof the foundation. This is a vital task, one that prevents water from entering the basement, and one that also connects to areas like the garage floor, which must also be sealed.
Waterproofing of a foundation involves applying a sealant of some kind. When done correctly, this process will make it so that only cracking of the foundation itself breaks this seal and allows moisture in – and there are several steps you can take to prevent said cracking, including care of above concrete surfaces.
Drainage and Insulation
Another big part of keeping the foundation dry is the utilization of a drainage pipe. This pipe will be both installed and then insulated later, preventing not only standing moisture, but also limiting and cracks that might form due to water freezing and thawing during the Utah winter.
Concrete Subfloor and Backfilling
Finally, once the foundation is fully completed, the subfloor will be poured. In addition, the area around your foundation will be backfilled with soil, which must be compact enough to resist shifting or settlement risks. Soil will be graded so water runs away from the home, another way of protecting your home from water damage.
For more on how a concrete foundation is build and how it impacts other concrete repair or leveling needs within a structure, or to learn about any of our concrete lifting and leveling services, speak to the staff at Lift-Up Concrete today.