As we’ve noted in this space multiple times in the past, there’s often a direct connection between concrete repair and your home’s foundation. Many areas of concrete damage, from cracks to sinking and other risks, threaten to impact the home’s foundation if they are not properly remedied, and concrete repair professionals are often called upon to help with foundation-related issues.
At Lift-Up Concrete Lifting LLC, we’re proud to provide a wide range of residential concrete lifting and leveling services, including many that relate to your foundation in minor or even major ways. Our solutions are for a variety of situations, including those who are considering the purchase of a new home – but worried about certain foundation damage signs they’ve seen and whether these signal a home that should be avoided. This two-part blog series will help guide you in the right direction here, going over some potential foundation issue red flags and what they might mean plus how you should react if you notice these in a home you’re considering.
Outdoor Signs
Most of the prominent signs of foundation damage will be seen from outside the home. They include:
- Visible cracks or fractures: Often the earliest form of foundation damage is the formation of cracks, gaps or other fractures in the actual foundation or the connected home exterior. These cracks can be due to a number of conditions, including concrete settlement and sinking that causes movement. However, not all cracks necessarily signal major foundation damage.
- Upheaval: While the more common result of concrete settlement is sinking, some foundation slabs may actually move upward, a process called upheaval. Most frequently seen on the outside sections of a foundation, this may happen due to soil expansion and contraction or other moisture concerns.
- Sticking doors: This is technically both an indoor and outdoor sign. Exterior doors may drag from their thresholds or appear uneven from the top if foundation issues are taking place; interior doors will stick or drag at the top.
Indoor Signs
There are also some indoor red flags:
- Uneven floors: Your floors may be non-level, may sag or could even bow and tip. This may be due to foundation issues affecting your pier and beam foundations, and this can be a hazard.
- Door, window or counter gaps: If you see gaps around your window frames or doors, this is often due to alignment issues caused by foundation problems. The same effect is sometimes seen with counters or cabinets separating from their walls.
- Dampness: If your home has a crawl space, noticing significant moisture or dampness inside it often means there are foundation or related issues taking place.
For more on how to identify signs of foundation damage in a home you’re considering, or to learn about any of our concrete repair services, speak to the staff at Lift-Up Concrete Lifting LLC today.